BANIG Souvenirs

CONTACT: 0929-838-5961/09152553917
"We beat and match all the price, designs and quality in town!"

Saturday, August 05, 2006

We're back online!

Please bear with us. This site has been stagnant for quite a while. We are still struggling how to the business online, but now, were on full operations...

We do now accepts orders, by piece or by bulk, domestic or international orders. You tell us what you need and we'll give you the best and lowest price that we can be agreed upon.

Most of our products are made of local materials. Primarily, a waraynon items such as banigs and other items.

As of today, we are still constructing the official site for the same purpose. Pictures and other valuable posts can be updated daily, starting today.

Resellers and Importers are welcome. Just e-mail us @ or call us (+63) 915-2553-917. Thanks a lot!